The Most Interesting Coach in the World

Massimiliano Allegri rarely invokes a mediocre reaction. Many hold him in high esteem and are quick to mention his many accomplishments in his relatively brief coaching career: Back to back Panchina d’Oro awards for his time at Cagliari, a Scudetto his first season with Milan as well as Coach of the Year awards that year, and a second place finish amongst an injury Armageddon last year. While others criticize him for his shortcomings, his stubbornness, his lack of learning curve, and more. He produces an epic win vs. Barcelona and backs it up with a lackluster draw to Inter. But whether you identify with one side or the other, or maybe somewhere in between, you must admit that he has a very unique personality and coaching style. To have a bit of fun and to celebrate the enigma that is Mister Allegri, I give to you: The Most Interesting Coach in the World...

So my challenge to you now is to share what you feel is a strength and also a weakness of Massimiliano Allegri. Feel free to list more, but for each one, please list an opposite. (and please make them equally sincere!)

For example:

I think Allegri is a saint for enduring the public criticism of management this year when many other coaches would have just walked away.

Allegri’s press conferences make me want to take my own life.

Say what you think. And get lucky, my friends.

This post inspired by the fantastic Dos Equis Beer commercials

Our next match is
Milan vs. Lazio
Saturday, March 2 • 20:45 CET (2:45pm EST)
(preview post up tomorrow)

The Most Interesting Coach in the World The Most Interesting Coach in the World Reviewed by Elaine on 12:00 AM Rating: 5

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