Since February of 2011, Milan Obsession has been a haven for
Milan fans to read and discuss all things Milan. This year, a podcast was
added, too, for those who like to listen to all things Milan. Unfortunately,
and ironically coinciding with the Milan meltdown, my personal life seems to be
being run by Berlusconi and Galliani, with results courtesy of Allegri. Which
means I am no longer able to keep up quite everything around here at this time.
So it is with great sadness that I am paring back some responsibilities here.
So… how will this affect you?
I will still write regular
posts, maybe not quite as consistently as before, but hopefully regularly.
I will no longer be including a gamepost, though, as I have done for some time.
I hope that you will still read regularly, especially in case anything else
changes for the good. Also, I will do my best to keep up the calendar and let
you know where the games will be televised, too.
I plan to keep up
with the podcasts, they will still be published every two weeks here and on
iTunes. I hope you will continue to listen and support my guests who give of
their time for all of us.
However, the most time-consuming part of this venture is
unfortunately the comments section. So
as of Tuesday morning, the comments will be closed.
I apologize profusely, as together we have created a
wonderful community of Milan fans, and I will miss all of you and your comments
very much. I have always maintained that we have the smartest, funniest, and
most well-informed fans commenting here, so it is really hard to give this up.
But if Berlusconi, Galliani, and Allegri were running your personal life with
even less efficiency than they are currently running Milan, I think you’d
I will still be on
Twitter, @milanobsession, in fact maybe a little more often now than before, we’ll see. I
always tweet my new posts so you won’t miss them, too. I would be thrilled to
have as many of you on Twitter with me as possible so we can stay in touch. And
speaking of staying in touch, please
feel free to leave whatever contact info. you like in the comments of this post
so we can all stay in touch.
For example: your
Twitter handle, Facebook page, other forums you recommend or frequent and your
name there, etc. (I do NOT recommend leaving your email address or other
personal contact information due to bots, etc.)
I am optimistic that this will only be a temporary situation
and that I will be able to open the comments again in the (hopefully) near
future. If you would like to be
contacted if and when this occurs, please send me an email via the “contact me”
button with your username here & also mention my favorite big, bald and
beautiful Milan player (so I know you’re human.) I will save all of the
addresses and email you if and when the comments open again. (I will likely not
have time to reply to individual emails at this point.)
Thanks so much for all of the amazing memories here. You
have become like a family to me. Well, a lot less dysfunctional than my family
in real life, but more like the Norman Rockwell kind of family that everyone
dreams of. I hope you will all stay in touch, and I hope to be back here with
good news again soon! Forza Milan!
P.S. Please join us for the last “live blog” here, at least
for a while, on Sunday. It’s 6am my time, so if I can do it, you can, too! Let’s
enjoy this last few days together.
This post inspired by the music of
Sarah McLachlan’s “I Will Remember You”
Our next match is
Chievo vs. Milan
Sunday, November 10 • 15:00 CET (9amEST)
Reviewed by Elaine
12:00 AM