Sexism in football is appalling. If you don’t want to hear
it from a woman, try
reading this piece on female journalists by James Masters for CNN. And
those are the women who get paid for their troubles. If you think those of us
who simply do this for the love of the game are any more fortunate, think
again. One lovely Milanista, unhappy when I didn’t appreciate something he sent
me, decided that I was a “bitch” and said as much and more about me
publicly and repeatedly on Twitter. When I called him out, he continued.
Imagine my surprise when I got these direct messages from another Twitter account claiming
not to be him this week:
Oddly, I know plenty of guys who have advertently trolled or
harassed people and never got a single threat, let alone something so horrible
and unimaginable. So instead of an episode of Girls Gone Wild, today you get to
hear about Twitter gone wild.
I am a woman. A passionate, Milan obsessed, football loving
woman. And all of those are crimes to mankind, apparently. It doesn’t matter what I do or
say, there are plenty of sexist males around to tell me what to do, insult me,
call me names, put me in my place, threaten me, and more. Sometimes it is my
“punishment” for “not shutting up” or for “being a bitch.” But one thing is for
certain, I am not treated in any way the same as my male peers, even those who
“stir the pot.”
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Territorial discrimination AND sexism in one tweet? Thank you fellow Milan fan. |
In three years’ time, I’ve written over 700 posts, created
over 250 original photoshops, and in the last year produced, recorded, and
edited 29 episodes of a podcast and made a few videos, too. All about Milan. But
that doesn’t matter, because I’m female. To some, having two boobs and a vagina and loving
football make me unworthy of being treated with any kind of human decency, let
alone a little respect. Or at least that’s what some people would have you
believe. So despite creating more content than pretty much anyone I know, I am 'less than' because I lack a Y chromosome and the hardware that comes with it. (I'm looking at you, Gattuso.)
But my favorites are the "serious" journalists and aspiring
journalists. I mean any idiot can call names or insult, but it is the utter
disdain and complete lack of respect I get from these guys that is most
impressive. As if they are better than me because they get paid or aspire to
get paid, or that they follow journalistic guidelines or simply believe they
are above me (and possibly others.) Or maybe they feel they can treat people that way because they have more followers. I’ve not met one who could keep up with me
in both quality and quantity of content, but they have no idea about that because
they are too good to read anything I’ve written.
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I literally asked for a source on what they were claiming was an "exclusive" rumor (that never came true, of course) |
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Not only was my opinion based on criteria invalidated by this man, I was told my standards were also low. Nice. |
Some are longtime friends who I finally realized only
followed me or spoke to me because I am a novelty. Heaven forbid I should try
to have a serious football conversation with them or that they should be caught
dead reading my writing. Obviously, I have lower standards, or don’t understand
tactics if I don’t agree with them. Just because I am female or am outspoken, I am obviously not worth their time. Or maybe because I write from my heart with
passion and style instead of journalistic form. Or any combination of those
things, I don’t know, but it’s kind of embarrassing to call yourself a
journalist and then insult anyone, least of all another writer. Strike that.
It’s embarrassing to call yourself a human being and insult or demean or put
yourself above another human being for any reason.
I have never aspired to be a journalist, I never will, and
have never been paid for my writing, either. Nor do I expect people to read
what I write or ask people to follow me or follow my blog. I write simply to
share Milan with anyone who wants to read/listen/see what I produce. I created
the blog for people to have a place to share Milan. That’s it. But it doesn’t
mean the “purists” should so freely insult me or talk trash about me or my
writing, especially if they don't even read it.
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...and yet that post wasn't inaccurate at all, it was this journalist's objectivity that was missing |
On Twitter especially, I have long been abused. Lately, I
stopped ignoring it and just unfollowing or blocking people because I’ve simply
had enough. So I stood up for myself, called out poor behavior, and what has it
gotten me? Tons of abuse and threats on me and my family. Well done, fellow fans. Again, my male
peers have never received anything remotely close to the amount of abuse, let
alone anything resembling a threat. I’ve been called so many names it’s not
even funny, told I’m an “attention whore” when I stand up to the abuse, and
told countless times to ignore it or to “shut up and take it.” But I love the people who unfollow me because
I’m getting abused. Too much drama, they tell me. They would be like the people
in real life who walk by when a woman is getting attacked and don’t report or
offer to help and meanwhile accuse her of “too much drama.” Well done, guys. You win the internet.
Oddly enough, more than once, I’ve been asked if I’m a
feminist. I’m pretty much the farthest thing from it. I mean I don’t even
like/watch women’s sports (sorry, girls!) But I appreciate that in the year
2014 so many men can’t differentiate between sexism and feminism. Sexism is
when a woman is mistreated or abused because of her gender. Feminism is wanting
women to be equal to men. I don’t want to be equal to men. I only want to not be abused for being a woman. Is that
really too much to ask?
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The abuse isn't even limited to Twitter, any forum will do |
So a fair warning to anyone who might read this who has
abused me in the past or intends to abuse me in the future: I’m done. I will
use whatever I have at my disposal to unfollow, block, ban, call you out, have
you arrested, or whatever needs to happen to protect me and my family. This needs to stop. It’s 2014. And
don’t tell me “it’s just Twitter” or “toughen up.” Threatening someone is
criminal behavior. Everything else is just some level of douchebaggery. A
little respect goes a very long way, but the opposite is just an embarrassment to
your gender and to the beautiful game you claim to love.
The men who have abused me are actually missing out. I am a smart, funny, passionate, creative, knowledgeable lover of Milan and football in general. I’m
also smoking hot, and yes, I do have a sexy voice, amongst other things. Those who have said "Show us your tits" instead of actually conversing with me about football are missing out on both excellent conversation and the very thing they requested. But those things don't define me as a fan or change my love for or knowledge of the game. Yes, it's true, watching football with me is very different than watching with your buddies,
but in a very, very good way. I have no idea why so many men are so opposed to
having such experiences or feel so threatened by women who know and love
football, but it’s your loss, and I’m done being abused. Follow me, read my
work, listen to my podcast, or not. I don’t care. But show me respect or reap the
consequences. Because in this situation, “Girls Gone Wild” can mean whatever
your words and actions dictate.
This post is not
intended to call anyone out specifically or to give any more attention to those who abuse, hence all of the accounts being
blacked out. These tweets represent a microscopic sampling of recent abuse
toward me for being either female or for standing up to abuse. Please do not
try this at home. No actual men have been harmed in the writing of this post.
This post inspired by nearly four
years of rampant sexism associated with football and the interwebs
Our next match is
vs. Milan
Sunday, March 23 • 20:45 CET (3:45pm EDT)
Girls Gone Wild
Reviewed by Elaine
12:00 AM