Podcast: Mercato Kickoff

1:18 AM
There is a massive sporting event being held in Brazil right now, the biggest sporting event in the world. But starting on Tuesday, the rea...
Podcast: Mercato Kickoff Podcast: Mercato Kickoff Reviewed by Elaine on 1:18 AM Rating: 5

Italy’s Orphans

5:02 AM
In the wake of Italy’s Group Stage exit of the World Cup, Prandelli quit his post. But not without some parting advic...
Italy’s Orphans Italy’s Orphans Reviewed by Elaine on 5:02 AM Rating: 5

False Positive

12:00 AM
Anyone can criticize Mario Balotelli. And chances are that if you are reading this, you probably have, at least once. I know I have. But ...
False Positive False Positive Reviewed by Elaine on 12:00 AM Rating: 5

Once Bitten, Twice Shy

12:21 PM
Aside from being in complete shock at what just happened on the pitch with my beloved Azzurri, I am, of course crushed that they are goin...
Once Bitten, Twice Shy Once Bitten, Twice Shy Reviewed by Elaine on 12:21 PM Rating: 5

So Sue Me

6:11 AM
Reports keep bubbling up that Seedorf plans to sue AC Milan for damages after being fired almost inexplicably. This after it took about t...
So Sue Me So Sue Me Reviewed by Elaine on 6:11 AM Rating: 5

Clearance on Co-Ownerships

12:00 AM
In true Italian fashion, the subject of abolishing co-ownerships has been talked about for much of this past season, but the decision was...
Clearance on Co-Ownerships Clearance on Co-Ownerships Reviewed by Elaine on 12:00 AM Rating: 5

Brazilian Photo Album

1:30 AM
Our eight Milan players representing their countries at the World Cup haven’t all been making headlines. But they have been making memori...
Brazilian Photo Album Brazilian Photo Album Reviewed by Elaine on 1:30 AM Rating: 5

World Cup Fever

12:00 AM
There is a very serious virus going around, and I think I’ve got it bad. It’s called World Cup Fever, and it tends to consume those infec...
World Cup Fever World Cup Fever Reviewed by Elaine on 12:00 AM Rating: 5

Podcast: World Cup Obsession

10:49 AM
The World Cup is the greatest event in the world, it’s certainly how I fell in love with football. It also only comes every few years. ...
Podcast: World Cup Obsession Podcast: World Cup Obsession Reviewed by Elaine on 10:49 AM Rating: 5

Samba Lessons

5:52 AM
In case you’ve been in a coma and also living under a rock, there is a little event happening right now in Brazil called the World Cup. M...
Samba Lessons Samba Lessons Reviewed by Elaine on 5:52 AM Rating: 5
World Cup Heroes: Franco Baresi World Cup Heroes: Franco Baresi Reviewed by Elaine on 12:00 AM Rating: 5

The Changing of the Guard

12:00 AM
In current Milan fashion, that Milan have a new coach is not actually news. For two weeks, every media source has been reporting that See...
The Changing of the Guard The Changing of the Guard Reviewed by Elaine on 12:00 AM Rating: 5

Becoming Balotelli

7:29 AM
Ahead of the World Cup, Balotelli has given us some epic sound bites: “People will always want to talk about Mario. They will always want...
Becoming Balotelli Becoming Balotelli Reviewed by Elaine on 7:29 AM Rating: 5

Papa Don’t Preach

5:27 AM
Daddy is coming home. Finally. Almost three weeks after the unveiling of the new Casa Milan, Berlusconi is finally going to see it. Barba...
Papa Don’t Preach Papa Don’t Preach Reviewed by Elaine on 5:27 AM Rating: 5

Podcast: The Fantastic Four

6:29 PM
With the level of douchebaggery at Milan already so high at Milan, I called in the big guns to help sort everything out. So we, the Milan...
Podcast: The Fantastic Four Podcast: The Fantastic Four Reviewed by Elaine on 6:29 PM Rating: 5

Poll: Off With Their Heads

6:24 AM
In March I wrote about the price of representing one’s national team . But this week, that has all new meaning, as Montolivo’s injury not...
Poll: Off With Their Heads Poll: Off With Their Heads Reviewed by Elaine on 6:24 AM Rating: 5
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