Podcast: Darkness and Light

This was a tough podcast to record, following the tragic Derby loss. However after venting about what went wrong and all of the darkness of that match, we did manage to discuss some light that will hopefully make Milan’s future that much brighter.

The vote is in... Daniel should wear the number 3 for Milan

Braving the Derby loss was our President of the Curva Sud America, Francesco. For his bravery alone, please give him a follow on Twitter @FrancescoPetra8. Jonathan was back from injury, too, so all of us chatted about:

• Lightning Round:  quick questions about favorites

• News of the Week: stadium news, new baby, Scaroni in Serie A, Milan Glorie, record sales, new partnership, quote of the week

• Match Reviews: reviews of recent Serie A matches

• Maldini Dynasty: Will the Primavera’s #10 be Milan’s next #3?

• Coming up: upcoming matches and International Break

Thanks again to Francesco for braving the post derby conversation. Please give him a follow on Twitter @FrancescoPetra8

Podcast: Darkness and Light Podcast: Darkness and Light Reviewed by Elaine on 7:19 AM Rating: 5

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